
One of the worst possible scenarios is to reach up to an air vent and feel warm air or no air. The temperature in your space is climbing, and as much as you would hate to admit it, the air conditioning is broken. Your HVAC system is relatively new, and you can’t figure out how this happened.

More often than not, consumers outfit their space and call it good without investing in a preventative maintenance program. This is hard to believe, considering that they protect their computer investments with anti-virus programs and even their homes with home warranty plans. Why would you not do the same for your business or organization?

AirStar is proud to offer a commercial HVAC maintenance program, and for good reason. Business owners can’t afford to have downtime. Here are four huge reasons why smart Green Country business and organization leaders put a maintenance program in play for their HVAC investment.

Business Owners are by nature, short on time and can’t afford the downtime
There’s probably no worse feeling than getting out of the hot Oklahoma sun, going inside a building, and realizing it’s almost as hot inside as it was outside. There’s no better way to get customers to remember you for the wrong reasons. What’s worse is calling for an HVAC repair and not being able to find a professional that can be there within the hour.

But what if you had invested in a continual maintenance program? The issue that caused the HVAC to stop working could have been discovered before the worst happens. What is the value of being closed or having your staff miserable for a day or two while the air conditioning is fixed? What if the fix takes longer? What if someone could have seen the failure coming, and proactively scheduled the repair for when your business was closed?

Extend the life of your HVAC investment
Let’s face it, whether you are outfitting a new facility or putting a new system into an older facility, commercial HVAC is an investment. That investment looks much better on paper when it works for 20 or more years, instead of just 10. Some of the data we’ve seen says that poor or no maintenance to your commercial HVAC system can take as much as 10 years off the life of your system.

Would you invest in stocks or other financial markets and then never look at the investment’s progress? Why would you take this same action (or inaction) with your HVAC system?

Improved Comfort and Healthier Indoor Air for All
Dirty HVAC systems are one good way to get sick, to get employees sick, and get customers sick. Regular tune-ups to your system can greatly reduce the harmful bacteria and spores in the air. Outside of the threat of illness, there’s just the overall comfort factor.

By having continual maintenance, our technicians can ensure that you aren’t getting big swings in desired temperature in the space. This means employees and customers are content with a stable temperature that doesn’t swing one way or the other when the air conditioner cycles off. Also, this means employees are productive – not bundling up or dressing down to match the drastic swings in temperature.

Peace of Mind
As business owners, this is our favorite reason to consider an HVAC maintenance program. There are so many things to worry about and consider during the course of a business day. Why should your HVAC system be one of them? By having a consistent maintenance program, you know that you always have visibility to the state of your HVAC systems and can function knowing that the threat of a breakdown is highly reduced.

You’ll also have the peace of mind that your HVAC system isn’t slowly eating away at your profits through being inefficient. Maintenance means the system will be performing at or very close to the optimal efficiencies of the system. This equals reduced operating costs.

If it’s time to put a maintenance program in place and finally get some peace of mind, we want you to call AirStar and get that program in place. Even if we didn’t install the initial system, our professionals will come and check in on your system regularly changing filters, cleaning, lubricating, inspecting and testing your system. It’s an investment we wouldn’t live without, and you shouldn’t either.

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